41. Comfort zone
Do you know what’s one of the best feelings in the world? It’s when somebody you love places their head on your chest. For moments like this one, there has to be a lot of trust between two people. Similar things happen with cats as well.

Cats love the warmth that human chests give off. They also love our smell and the rhythm of our breathing. Cats love it so much that it just lulls them to sleep. All in all, they love it because they feel safe and warm.
42. Headbutt
We mentioned earlier that cats have this habit of shoving their face into yours. It’s usually gentle, and it isn’t a sign of aggression. It shows trust, and according to scientists, it is also the way that a cat greets you.

Cats engage in this type of behavior to express that they’re very comfortable with the person, animal, or thing around them. When cats rub, they also transfer their pheromones, thus, marking it as safe. There’s a name for this behavior: Bunting.
43. Just a myth
The famous belief behind cats hating water isn’t true after all because some cats love water and spend most of their lives near it. An excellent example is the wild fishing cat that’s found in Asia. There you go. The myth has been debunked.

If you have noticed a cat paw at water, that’s because it’s looking to play. But, some cats prefer drinking water from fresh sources. In that case, pawing the water is something the cat does to aerate the water to simulate its freshness.
44. Scratching their backs
Scratching is a pleasurable activity even for humans. It feels all the more amazing when somebody tries to scratch your back and hits the sweet spot that you can’t reach with your hands. Similarly, cats feel pampered when we scratch their backs in just the right places.

When you’re scratching your kitty, and it raises its back, it means that you’ve found the right spot. You should take that behavior as a compliment. It also means that you have earned a prominent place in its good graces.