17. Ignorance on point
When you compare cats to dogs, cats seem to have a sense of self-importance and pride, which is a significant characteristic on its own. This characteristic is why they recognize their name and their owner’s voice, but they don’t immediately respond like dogs.

Unlike dogs, cats prefer to be affectionate when they want to and not when you want. If they’re not trying to seek attention, they won’t answer when you call them. But don’t worry about it because they’ll approach you when they want to play.
18. They’re bad singers
All cat owners love their cats, and can’t say enough good things about them. But, when they try to sing opera in the middle of the night, right after the owners doze off, it makes every pet owners reconsider their life choices.

These sounds could be a result of a cat trying to hunt or a cry of unhappiness because there’s no prey. So, consider playing with your cat while you’re awake during the day so that it’ll be tired when you sleep.
19. Necessities
Stretching is a great habit to develop your body and keep up with things. Not only should you do it before and after your workouts, but you should also generally do it because it improves your mobility and joint health. No wonder cats are constantly stretching themselves out.

Cats stretch themselves to get their circulation going after they rest. It raises their blood pressure and forces their muscles’ impurities and other harmful things away. It also makes them feel fantastic! Cats also sleep a lot, so a good stretch is always needed.
20. Old habits
If the weather outside is cold, a cat can stay warm by curling itself into a small ball while sleeping. It’s also the best sleeping posture for cats because that position shields their stomach and other parts, which helps them stay safe while being vulnerable.

This method has also become the only way wild cats stay comfortable and warm. Most cats tend to instinctively curl up at night, even when you give them a comfy cushion to sleep on. Old habits do indeed die hard.