33. Keep away
It’s a universal fact that dogs wag their tails to show that they are delighted. It is so wholesome that we get happy seeing it, which makes them happier, and so on. But that’s not the same with cats because they don’t wag their tails out of joy.

When your cat wags its tail, it’s best just to let it be because it isn’t a good sign. The cat will calm down by itself. But, if the tail is twitching and jumping, that means the cat is really excited about something!
34. Biting
Like other felines, cats are natural hunters. Mother Nature has been generous to them by giving them retractable claws and a set of razor-sharp teeth — that’s why it hurts when they bite you. But, there are some reasons behind this behavior.

Cats bite because they could be trying to communicate. They might be trying to tell you that they’re stressed, angry, afraid, or any other thing like that. If it’s not that, they might be playing around. Either way, it’s natural and nothing to be too concerned about.
35. Hunting practice
You are sitting at a table, probably working in a relaxed mood, when you suddenly hear a loud clattering sound. There’s no doubt that your cat is the culprit behind this sound. Peeking around your laptop, you see that your tabby just pushed your water bottle off the table.

Many scientists say that cats push things onto the ground because of their natural hunting instinct. They often play with their prey in the wild to work on their hunting skills. Also, they get bored pretty quickly. So, it’s a great way for them to get your attention.
36. Nail-biting habit
Many of us have a habit of biting our nails. Often, people do it out of stress, anxiety, nervousness, or other emotions. It’s a bad habit, though, so those who do it should consider quitting it and finding another stress outlet. But why do cats bite their nails?

Like with us, nail-biting in cats is a sign that they’re feeling nervous or just bored. It can also be a grooming tactic for them. But if your cat constantly nibbles at its nails, you should visit a vet because it could be from an infection.