Sunday, January 19, 2025

Top 15 At-Home Workouts

5. Working out with your kids

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If you have kids, it is very important that they also do exercise every day. If you have no garden or yard then indoor. Why not make the daily work out a fun family activity? Exercise for kids should be taken easily of course. Instead of working out, call it as exercise play.

Here are some examples:

Jump rope: If you have no downstairs neighbors who would complain

Headstands: Very activity for your core muscles and to get blood going to the brain.

Animal races: Hop like a frog or bunny; squat and waddle like a duck, etc.

Clean-up race: Set a timer and put a good song on and see who can right the room the fastest.

Pillow fight: No further explanation needed.

Crab, wheelbarrow, and bear-walk: Holding these tough positions will give all of you a real workout.

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